How to Clean Latex Paint off Window Screens

Kanklean - The Best Melbourne Cleaning Services

To Clean Latex Paint off Window Screens:


1. Start by examining the scale of the paint marks . When the marks are large , it is going to be beneficial to take away the screen therefore you will get less difficult to get to it . When the marks are minor , they are going to probably be able to be eradicated without eradicating them from the window .

2. Moisten a delicate material with the paint thinner , polish remover or alcohol .

3. Softly wipe the material over the location until the paint softens and gets off .

4. Be careful to not put on excessive force as is possible make the screen to lose the form and stretch .

5. Wash the screens completely with water from a bucket or rinse it with the water hose .

6. Let the screen to dry fully.

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